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Automated LiDAR Orchard Sprayer

  • 06/03/2022 1:55 PM
    Message # 12804949

    Dear Apple Growers,

    We are a LiDAR based automated orchard sprayer system manufacturer located in Madison, WI. We sell hi-tech and easy-to-use sensor system mounted on a conventional air-blast orchard sprayer that automatically actuates nozzles on/off for both sides of the sprayer, thus provides growers savings in chemicals, water, time, and fuel as well as increasing overall spraying efficiency.

    Please check out the following link and/or contact sales@simplexsci.com for more information, we will be glad to answer:


    SprayWell Team

    Simplex Scientific, LLC 

    1910 Mayflower Drive

    Middleton, WI 53562

    (608) 831-4476

    4 files
    Last modified: 06/03/2022 2:08 PM | Anonymous


Wisconsin Apple Growers Association

Address: 28520 7th Street, Burlington WI 53105

Phone: (262)206-8442

Copyright The Wisconsin Apple Growers Association.

"The Wisconsin Apple Growers Association" is a 501(c)5 non-profit organization.

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